+62 274 563929, ext: 351

Rev. Dr. Asnath Niwa Natar, MTh

Rev. Dr. Asnath Niwa Natar, MTh E-mail

Doctoral Program - S3, Magister's Program - S2, Undergraduate Program - S1


  • Chair of the Center for Feminist Theology Studies
  • Associate Professor in Feminist Theology, Pastoral Theology


  • S1: Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana
  • S2: M.Th., Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana
  • S3: Dr., Augustana Theologische Hochschule

Semester Aktif

  • Konseling Pastoral
  • Konseling Krisis
  • Perempuan, Kekerasan dan Media
  • Tafsir Disabilitas, Feminis, LGBT
  • Teologi Praktis

Mata Kuliah yang pernah diampu

  • Pengantar Teologi Praktis
  • Teologi Feminis