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Organizational Structure

Struktur Organisasi Fakultas Teologi UKDW
Struktur Organisasi Fakultas Teologi UKDW - Mobile Version
Rev. Prof. Robert Setio, Ph.D

Rev. Prof. Robert Setio, Ph.D


Rev. Handi Hadiwitanto, Ph.D

Rev. Handi Hadiwitanto, Ph.D

Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Head of the Master’s Program in Philosophy of Divinity

Rev. Daniel K. Listijabudi, Ph.D.

Rev. Daniel K. Listijabudi, Ph.D.

Head of the Bachelor's Program in Philosophy of Divinity

Rev. Paulus Sugeng Widjaja, MAPS, Ph.D

Rev. Paulus Sugeng Widjaja, MAPS, Ph.D

Head of the Doctoral Program in Theology

Rev. Dr. Wahyu Nugroho, MA

Rev. Dr. Wahyu Nugroho, MA

Vice Dean for Financial Management, Human Resources, and Facilities

Rev. Dr. Frans Setyadi Manurung, S.Si., M.Th.

Rev. Dr. Frans Setyadi Manurung, S.Si., M.Th.

Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni, and Cooperation

Rev. Adhika Tri Subowo, M.Fil.

Rev. Adhika Tri Subowo, M.Fil.

Editor in Chief of Wacana Teologika Journal

Rev. Dr. Asnath Niwa Natar

Rev. Dr. Asnath Niwa Natar

Chair of the Center for Feminist Studies (PSTF)

Rev. August Corneles Tamawiwy, STM

Rev. August Corneles Tamawiwy, STM

Coordinator of Public Relations and Archival Team

Rev. Daniel K. Listijabudi, Ph.D

Rev. Daniel K. Listijabudi, Ph.D

Editor in Chief of Aradha Journal

Dra. Endah Setyowati, M.Si., MA

Dra. Endah Setyowati, M.Si., MA

Chair of the Center for Peace Studies and Development (PSPP)

Rev. Dr. Frans Setyadi Manurung

Rev. Dr. Frans Setyadi Manurung

Coordinator of the InQA Team for the Master's Program in Philosophy of Divinity

Rev. Dr. Jozef M N Hehanussa

Rev. Dr. Jozef M N Hehanussa

Chief in Editor of Gema Teologika: Jurnal Teologi Kontekstual dan Filsafat Keilahian

Rev. Stefanus Christian Haryono, MACF, Ph.D

Rev. Stefanus Christian Haryono, MACF, Ph.D

Chair of the Center for Spirituality and Spiritual Development Studies (PSSPS)

Rev. Prof. Tabita Kartika Christiani, Ph.D

Rev. Prof. Tabita Kartika Christiani, Ph.D

Coordinator of the InQA Team for the Doctoral Program in Theology

Rev. Dr. Wahyu Nugroho, M.A.

Rev. Dr. Wahyu Nugroho, M.A.

Chair of the Center for Religious Studies (PSAA)