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UKDW Host Interfaith Dialogue

As part of the Study Trip for Trustees and Staff organized by the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia (UBCHEA), Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana (UKDW) Yogyakarta was entrusted to host the event “Embracing Interfaith Dialogue and Whole Person Education” held on Friday, June 14, 2024, at the Koinonia Auditorium UKDW. This international-level interfaith dialogue event featured representatives from the Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies (CRCS) – Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies (ICRS), Universitas Sanata Dharma (USD), State Islamic University (UIN) ‘Sunan Kalijaga’, and UKDW as speakers, attended by 40 members of the Board of Trustees and Management from UBCHEA from the United States, Hong Kong, India, South Korea, China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia. Also invited were representatives of students from various faiths from several universities in Yogyakarta to share their life experiences learning and interacting with professors, staff, and students from different faiths on their respective campuses.

During the event, panelists addressed critical questions surrounding interfaith dialogue, such as how interfaith dialogue is viewed from historical, socio-political, social and cultural dynamics, government and its policies, types of challenges and conflict resolutions, education and involvement of youth, the role of religious leaders, and economic and development aspects.

Quoting Dr. Maher Spurgeon, Program Director for South Asia UBCHEA, interfaith dialogue and whole person education (WPE) are two fundamental aspects of UBCHEA’s mission. The dynamics of whole person education go beyond academic teaching, touching the spiritual, ethical, and emotional realms of students. In this context, interfaith dialogue is crucial to promote mutual understanding, respect, and cooperation among followers of different religions. By engaging in interfaith dialogue, it is hoped that students can broaden their horizons and learn to navigate this diverse and interconnected world with empathy and mutual respect. Such an approach is in line with our organization’s mission, working diligently to prepare leaders of nations who are not only academically competent but also rooted in moral and spiritual values.

Regarding the Study Trip UB activities, Dr. Maher Spurgeon stated that the main goal of this activity is to provide a “hands-on” experience to all members of the Board of Trustees and Management of UBCHEA. “By observing closely how the higher education landscape in Indonesia works, represented by UKDW in this case, participants can directly observe how local higher education institutions, educators, and teachers use practical innovations and current education trends in their teaching and learning processes,” he said. As a follow-up, field observation results adjusted with policies will be used by UBCHEA as considerations and ideas for future programs.

Dr. Maher Spurgeon added that UKDW Yogyakarta was chosen as the host of this event based on UBCHEA’s assessment that UKDW can serve as an example of a committed Christian higher education institution that genuinely fosters a campus environment that celebrates faith diversity. UKDW is known for its solid and active Campus Ministry and its efforts in promoting interfaith dialogue. UKDW has provided a conducive space for anyone wishing to delve deeper into this interfaith dialogue. Moreover, UKDW also has the Faculty of Theology with the Center for Religious Studies (PSAA), which is part of the consortium between UKDW, UGM, and UIN through the ICRS program. UKDW’s initiatives and good practices promoting cooperation and interfaith dialogue are aligned with UBCHEA’s vision of whole person education (WPE). Therefore, the interfaith dialogue event held at UKDW provides a unique opportunity to witness firsthand the successful integration of interfaith dialogue in the higher education context.

Responding to UKDW’s involvement in various UBCHEA activities on interfaith dialogue, Rev. Nani Minarni, S.Si., M.Hum., Head of the Campus Ministry, Counseling, and Spiritual Services Institute (LPKKSK) at UKDW, stated that UKDW envisions itself as an outstanding, trustworthy, transformative, and sustainable Christian university, fostering the development of knowledge, technology, and a generation that is humanistic, cultural, and adaptable in a pluralistic world. Therefore, UKDW dynamically engages in education to shape whole individuals based on the Values of Duta Wacana, conducts impactful research that upholds humanitarian values, engages in community service while implementing and disseminating knowledge and technology for community development, builds excellent, transformative, adaptive, inclusive, competitive, and sustainable institutions, fosters an academic community that lives the Values of Duta Wacana in the richness of Indonesian culture and global perspective. [LPKKSK/trans.drr]
