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Gamelan Group from the Faculty of Theology UKDW Shines in the 24-Hour Menabuh Performance at ISI Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta – The 24-Hour Menabuh Performance organized by the Department of Karawitan, Faculty of Performing Arts (FSP) at the Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI) Yogyakarta on May 21-22, 2024, was successfully held. The event took place at the ISI Yogyakarta Art Laboratory and featured various karawitan groups from internal, local, and national levels in a marathon performance that started at 9:00 AM WIB each day.

Gamelan Fakultas Teologi UKDW Tampil Memukau dalam Pergelaran 24 Jam Menabuh di ISI Yogyakarta
Gamelan Fakultas Teologi UKDW Tampil Memukau dalam Pergelaran 24 Jam Menabuh di ISI Yogyakarta

The gamelan group from the Faculty of Theology at Duta Wacana Christian University (UKDW) had the opportunity to be one of the performers at this event. They presented several songs from different regions of Indonesia, showcasing the diverse culture of the archipelago through the distinctive gamelan instruments. Their performance not only captivated the audience but also demonstrated the musical abilities of theology students in mastering traditional arts.

Gamelan is one of the optional developmental activities for theology students at UKDW who reside in the dormitory. Theology students at UKDW are required to live in the dormitory for two years, and during this period, they participate in various musical developmental activities, one of which is gamelan. This training aims to enrich the cultural knowledge of the students and teach values of togetherness and cooperation in music.

The 24-Hour Menabuh Performance is an annual event aimed at preserving and elevating the dignity and prestige of Javanese karawitan to a global level. Various forms of presentations were showcased in this performance, including traditional, creative, and innovative karawitan arts. With the participation of the gamelan group from the Faculty of Theology UKDW, the event was enriched with more colors and musical diversity.

The participation of the gamelan group from the Faculty of Theology UKDW in this performance is evidence that karawitan art has a broad appeal and can unite various groups. Their participation is expected to inspire more young generations to love and preserve the Nusantara culture.
